Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Our mind....

An important aspect is the preconditioning of our mind. Interestingly, we learned fellows, always have a strong feeling that we know it all. We know the character of the other person, we know the behavioural and reactive patterns of the other person, yet most important of all, we do not understand or seem to understand. In fact in most of the cases, we refuse to understand that the other person is a human being and has developed his or her own reactive pattern depending upon the kind of experiences he or she has gathered in the past. Isn't this the most important element - we refuse to acknowledge the other person as a human being - the most intelligent species on earth, the prime condition for all other relationships to exist.

People, who do that, rise head and shoulders above others in their own environment. When we learn to do that, we give that freedom of growth and expression to the other being, also accept whole-heartedly that there is a lot to learn from the other one, however tiny or big s/he is.

Doesn't this open up a whole new vista for us? Doesn't this make us realise that every relationship helps us learn and grow, and every relationship is none less or more than sharing. It is this spirit of sharing that helps us grow. But the problem is that we expect people to share the best that they have. It may not happen. I'll share that, which I have in abundance. If I have negativity in abundance, then that is all that I'll be able to share with the world. Now if somebody is doing just that, I have the choice to accept or reject it. If the negativity doesn't enter me, it means I have rejected it.
We must be intelligent and responsive. We mustn't repeatedly burn our hands, but let us not destroy the open mindedness, and joyful nature that we were born with. If we can retain that, despite all that we undergo, we have really managed to make a huge contribution to this world. Look at it this way, the world is not interested in knowing who misbehaved with me. And even if somebody did, why should I traumatise the world with my long face, just because someone did that to me? There is enough of pain all around. Can we become instruments for spreading some healthy laughter instead? I think, there is no better spirituality than that. Every smile that I encounter, is God's Smile. Every laughter is God's laughter. Then, every long face is God's long face!

Which one do you want to see? Decide and transform yourself accordingly.
Excerpt from an article of the