Thursday, August 24, 2006


So finally... I've started to log it on the web.
But why???

I always thought blogs are because you don't have anyone around you to share your daily musings. I still think that way. As a matter of fact, I'm alone for the past 9 months, but still catch up with my friends all over the world.
Then why did I resort to blogging? Good question.

The reason is; I've started admiring the writing skills of many bloggers. It isnt sufficient that you speak good English. You should also have a good vocabulary. And one can improve his/her vocabulary not just by learning new words as in GRE preparation, but also use them extensively in your daily usage of English. But I'm in Japan. English is the last thing anyone here will have in their mind. So the only option left for me is to write... and where do I write? here on the web as logs of my daily life... err.. monthly life. Let me set the frequency later.

Anywayz, I hope this ThinkPad of mine does not die as many other habits have. Oh yeah.. why did I name it ThinkPad???

ThinkPad has been the soul of my work at office. Yes, I'm a Technical Lead at the IBM ThinkPad's Quality Assurance department. And the word as such is so good that I'm obsessed with it. Thinking is very very important in one's life. And mine is mostly superficial thinking and does'nt go deep. Again, indepth thinking would mean more time to it. But my plan is all about Effective Thinking. And hopefully, it'll get better with me writting more.

So... Effective Thinking and Improving English are the targets at present.
Theriyudhu.. u guys r saying, "Mudalla ezhudhu thambi.. apparam paarpom indha bandha vaarthai ellaam.."

Ok guys... let me end my first post now. And wish me all the best to come back with the second one asap.

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