Wednesday, June 16, 2010

HomePlug Alliance

An interesting and a futuristic alliance promotes networking using the existing electrical wiring in homes (called powerline networking). HomePlug technology uses the existing electrical wiring in a house for transfer of data and also smart management of power.

The HomePlugAV2 is a project which is currently under development and is the prospective next generation for the HomePlug line. Current estimates state that it will operate upon a 600 Mbps transfer capability. HomePlug AV2 offers Gigabit speed at the physical layer and 600Mbs+ at the MAC layer. The AV2 spec is expected to be completed in late 2010, with products expected to ship in 2011.


The most interesting and ever needed convenience is the facility of a SmartGrid.

HomePlug Green PHY is a new specification that is specifically designed for the requirements of the smart grid market. It has peak rates of 10 Mbps and is designed to go into smart meters and smaller appliances such as HVAC/thermostats,, home appliances and plug-in electric hybrid vehicles so that data can be shared over a Home Area Network (HAN) and back to the utility. The Smart Grid is a nationwide network that will deliver electricity efficiently, reliably and securely, while allowing increased use of renewable power sources. Smart energy coupled with the advanced smart grid infrastructure enables communication between utility companies and common household devices such as smart thermostats and appliances. Individual homes with home area networks (HANs) will communicate through the electricity meter with the Smart Grid, offering management of resources by both utilities and consumers.

Access Broadband Power Line (BPL) refers to a to-the-home broadband access technology.

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